Tuesday 5 February 2013


Yes!!!!! It finally happened. I actually managed to have a bona fide holiday for the first time in 2 years. I know that sounds like an exceptionally long time not to sit and contemplate my belly button, but I have been a busy lady having babies, getting married, moving countries and finishing my masters.
I think it was sometime in November that I thought to myself....if I don't go on holiday in the next few months I am going to put my head through the wall. Thank goodness I didn't have to revert to such drastic measures, but this was the holiday that ALMOST DIDN'T HAPPEN. Of all the natural disasters to happen, Cyclone Evan blew through tiny Fiji the day before we were due to land. What luck! Making a quick risk assessment, we thought it would be sensible to bite the bullet and defer the holiday by 5 weeks. And boy are we glad we did. Whilst parts of Fiji are still affected, I couldn't help but be amazed at the resilience and tenacity of the local Fijian people. The beauty of the location was one thing, but the beauty of the smiles and love we received made for an amazing holiday. Couldn't recommend it more!


Monday 4 February 2013

I heart street fashion

I heart fashion.

I love adding dimension to my day, to my mood and to my overall wellbeing by feeling good, and part of that means looking good. Street fashion is everything in my books, and whilst I love the odd designer piece, the devil is in the detail. Cult fashion, crazy nails, studs and more. Here are some of my favourites:

Rock chick, Nail Art, Working mama and Hipster

Friday 18 January 2013

Oh the stress...

Ok, is there anything in the world that is remotely more stressful than organising a birthday party for your child? You want it to be stylish, but also playful. You need to stay in budget, you need to cater for the vegetarians, the gluten-free, the lactose intolerant... etc etc ETC. I have finally decided on a rooftop BBQ for an intimate group of 20-25 people, with an animal safari theme, given Baby M's passion for lions and tigers and all things colourful. This sounds great, except when I start looking into inspiration online, I start to develop party envy. I never knew this was possible, but I am starting to dream of 3 tier cakes, and lollipop islands, and hiring a flame twirler. Seriously, need to cut up my credit card. TODAY

4 months on....

I can hardly believe that it has been 4 months since I left London. After the hottest day on record in Sydney today (46 degrees), I can almost say that I miss the cold. Until of course, I open the Evening Standard homepage to see snow falling on Lambeth Bridge and remember waiting for the 242 outside of Liverpool Street Station...maybe not
The last 4 months have been a complete whirlwind. A treadmill. An endless quest to put in place the structures and foundations of our life. But boy has it been fun!
For the first time in almost 18 months, I find myself going to parties with my other half, sitting on the beach, doing the bayrun every weekend and eating brunch at any of the dozens of cafes in Balmain.
But certainly, there is a price to pay. The life of a working mama means that all of the fun stuff comes at a high cost. Stepping out of the door every morning is a constant marathon. Is this really what it means to be an adult? Feeling major empathy for my own parents these days. Nevertheless, the time I spend working, only makes me appreciate the beauty of my family. The giggles of my (almost!) one year old, the amazing meals my husband cooks for me, the support and love of my mother and father... it is all worth it. Sydney is all smiles :)

Monday 1 October 2012

The day has come

Oh my god, the day has come. Yes, thats right, the stuff of nightmares: the day that I return to full time employment, post maternity. This is the day that I have been dreading since the day I became pregnant. Given that Baby M has never been more than 10m away from me in that time (except for the odd night out, gym session or shopping expedition), I am reigniting my separation anxiety all over again, except THIS TIME FEELS WORSE. Much, much, much worse. How on earth am I supposed to spend 50 hours (including travel time) away from my little man each week? How on earth am I supposed to concentrate when all I want to do is kiss his cheeks and tickle his tummy? Why does someone else (ie: my mother and husband), get to see him crawl, or maybe even take his first step without me to hold his hand? Why the hell did I decide to have a baby if it meant that I had to leave him? Yes, I have landed the perfect job now I am here in Sydney, and yes I always knew that day would come, but it doesn't take the sting out of the situation. There is that everpresent debate about working mothers vs stay at home mothers, and all I can say is- SOD your debate. I hate the fact I have to go back to work, but I also know that I need to provide for my family. If it was a choice between feeding/clothing/putting-a-roof-over-our-heads and singing nursery rhymes all day, I would inevitably love to be at home, but still be torn that I have to walk out the door every day to make that mulah. Its ultimately a choice between paying the bills and spending time with my son, and I hate that I am even compelled to make the decision. This is agony. I know I have to grow up and face the situation like the capable woman that I am, but I am not ready, and I don't think I will ever truly be happy no matter what choice I take. Lets hope Baby M fares better than I do

World class traveller

It was somewhere over Afghanistan, as I was sitting on Singapore Airlines flight SQ321, holding my screaming infant, tired, exhausted and slightly delirious, that I realised that flying to the other side of the world (on my own) with a tiny baby was absolutely the worst, stupidest and most ridiculous idea I have ever had. I could see the eyes being rolled, the exasperation and the slightly pursed lips of  fellow passengers as I tried every trick in the book to pacify Baby M (short of elephant tranquiliser). This was utter hell. Yet, I couldn't quite complain as we finally landed in Singapore and turned up at the oh-so-amazing Crowne Plaza hotel. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt like I could relax. Facing 30 degree heat, delicious pan asian cusine and decor to make an urbanite like me to swoon, I felt like I could stay forever. Baby M absolutely loved the swimming pool, the attentive waiters and screamed in delight when we visited Sentosa Island and chilled with cocktails on the beach. It was a short transit, but I felt like I could face the remaining 8 hours onwards to Sydney where my parents would be awaiting with their grandparent love and endless cuddles. Im turning my little man into a world class traveller. 5 star only please!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

I love you London

I am leaving London for a little while. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I know I will be. London has been the third love of my life, apart from my husband and baby, London has given me so many opportunities to fall in love, be in love and feel like a lover. I have had the worst fights with London, the most heated arguments and the worst of the silent treatment. I have cried, I have laughed, I have been angry because of her. Almost like a lusty lover, I have yearned to come back when I have been away, and I have always had the time of my life when I stayed. But as life moves on, you need to think about turning the page. And today, we are turning the page and heading back to my home town of Sydney. Sydney is glamourous, beautiful and full of promise. It is full of light, amazing people and the gorgeous beach. But despite all of my passion for Sydney, I know she will never come close to my great love, London. London with is cobbled alleyways, its maze like tube network, its sycophantic, gritty darkness. I love the way the sun sets in London, and I love what happens when the sun goes down. I love the friends that have loved me since the day I arrived, and those who I have met along the way. I cannot believe I am leaving my beautiful flat, our little love nest. I cannot help but shed a tear at the thought of all those sunny days spent on the Embankment, or the times I would stroll hand in hand with my husband down Portobello Market. I will miss the galleries, the parks, the madcap fashion and the "I don't give a f**k" attitude adopted by everyone from 5 year olds to 85 year olds. I will  miss the Christmas lights down Regent Street, and I will miss the endless stream of parties in Shoreditch. London is the centre of the universe (sorry New York), and it will always be the greatest love of my life.